This adjustable folding table can be easily assembled in minutes without the use of tools or fasteners.
It can fold into a semi-folded position for storage next to a chair or a completely folded configuration for storage under a sofa or in a cupboard. Ideal for people in a limited space environment & also for anyone with mobility problems, or recovering from an injury, illness or operation.
The Table Mate easily adjusts to fit your body size, the activity you are doing and the chair you are sitting in – what more could you want from a portable table?
Table-Mate is the perfect portable table for anything you would use a table surface! Use it for eating, as a lap-top computer table, a study desk, reading, writing, drawing, board games, models, puzzles, arts and crafts, trade shows, gardening, serving table, table to hold a computer keyboard...or anything else you can possibly think of.